Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Liam was pretending to be asleep. I guess he pretended too long.

Tristan loved having broccoli soup in a bread bowl. That kid loves bread and broccoli cheese soup!

Liam and Aunt Lindsey played the egg game. Liam had eggs everywhere.

Colin showing off his painting he made at CSM that they will later auction.

Tristan and Colin went to the Bookworm where the Wimpy Kid bus was visiting to promote the next book and give out purple popsicles.

Showing off the apple pie liam made with Gramma.

A fuzzy Liam jumping off the diving block for the first time.

Colin was teaching Tristan how to make stir fry.

Tristan creating an awesome picture to hang in the baby's room.

Liam with Aunt Suzanne at miniature golf.

Toothless Colin!

He could barely keep his eyes open as he ate dinner.

Cowboy brothers.

Liam's first visit to the dentist. He did very well getting about four teeth cleaned.

A rainy day.

First day of school. Tristan is in third grade and Colin is in second.

Dinner out with the Shockey family. We went to Texas Road House with Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Jasonea, Sheridan, Waylon, Aunt Suzanne, Grandma and Grandpa Shockey

Liam and Mommy. Picture taken by Colin.

Aunt Lindsey using Liam to try and stay warm in the pool. :)

Third grader Tristan at back to school night where he was able to meet his teacher.

Waiting for their animals to grow!

Liam loves to be in charge here he is paying at Lithuanian Cafe.

Family game night at Grandma and Papa's house we played Cocotaki.

Daddy took the boys bowling. Wonder what other kind of moves he showed them.

Liam trying to show Daddy how to play Wizard 101.

Welcome to the Shockey Brothers Cafe. The childrens museum had a little cafe set up which Tristan, Colin and Liam loved. They spent forever taking turns being the chef, waiter and customer.

August 2010

Make your own pizza night.

Papa, Daddy and Liam installed a new fan for the baby's room.

Liam concentrated very long and hard to create his train while the rest of us were playing train with dominos.

After five months of a loose tooth Colin's tooth finally came out!

Cheesy Liam.