Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 28

Show your team spirit day by wearing your teams jersey.
We have two Husker, two Giants, and one Laker fan!

February 27
Wacky Wednesday
Backwards clothes and crazy hair. Wait ...
 that can be any day around here

February 26
Dress as your favorite book character day. 
Colin is Leo from Mark of Athena
Liam is Jack from the Magic Tree House series
Tristan is Harry Potter of course

Tristan makes a great Harry

February 25

Helping to make macaroni and cheese for lunch

Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 24

Grayson's 1st birthday party!!!

February 23

Tristan and Colin found a quiet place at the top of the stairs to play iPods

February 22

An awesome ice form after the snow storm

Saturday, February 23, 2013

 February 21

Today school was cancelled for snow. Here the boys are all waiting for the snow to start. It finally started snowing an hour later around 1:00. 

February 20

Tristan's not feeling well and was asleep by 6:30.

February 19

Happy first birthday Grayson!!!

February 18

Grayson happy to be in the fort that has taken over the living and dining rooms

 February 17

Daddy, Colin, Declan and Tristan putting together the basketball hoop Colin got for Christmas. 

February 16

Tristan working on his robot at the VEX Robotics competition

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 15

Declan excited to get a surprise from Dr. Gary after his last set of shots.

He did such a good job this week with all the tests and shots!!

February 14 

Happy Valentines Day!!

February 13

Declan with his hand in his pockets. He hates to wear gloves so this is what he does. 

February 12

A beautiful day for playing catch in the backyard.

February 11

Declan playing in the doctors office as we wait for more test results

February 10

Tristan very happy and proud that Feliz let him hold her.

February 9

Liam a bit surprised at the size of his pie!

February 8

Declan watches Colin at the dentist. 

February 7

Declan, Colin, Liam ready to head into the cold

February 6

Keeping an eye on Declan as he naps

February 5

Liam ready for playing outside.

February 4


Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 3

Grayson helping Daddy fix the vacuum

February 2

Declan and Daddy checking out the adds at the mart

February 1

Five boys all together