Friday, March 15, 2013

March 14

Declan enjoying his "coke" at a fun crepes restaurant. 
(it's actually sparkling apple juice) he loved drinking from his own can. 

March 13

Declan went on outing with Gramma all by himself. They went to the Lego exhibit at Lauritzen Gardens.

March 12

Grayson is a different kind of kid for us. He can fall asleep anywhere. 

March 11

Colin, Tristan and Grayson playing ball at CSM

March 10

Grayson loves to sleep with his foot up.

March 9

Liam, Colin, Tristan, and Daddy playing basketball.

March 8

Climbing on the lions at the zoo.
Colin, Declan and Liam

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 7

A surprise trip to Lincoln. 

March 6

Daddy and Colin at parent teacher conferences 

March 5

When did he get so old!

March 4

Declan, Grayson,and Tristan racing around the house 

March 3

Tristan, Liam, Colin and Gramma at Lauritzen Gardens for the lego exhibit.

March 2

Grayson and Declan chilling out watching a movie

March 1

 Crazy hat day