Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29

Grayson enjoying strawberry shortcake.

May 28

Happy 10th Birthday Colin!!!

May 27

Now that's a lot of boys!
Ten little boys and three big (adult) boys playing in the yard. 

May 26

Grayson loves to squat. Nice batman crocs.

May 25

Last night at the slides downtown. 
Colin, Tristan and Liam

Friday, May 24, 2013

May 24

First day of school, last day of school.

May 23

Declan happy to have found his tag. It spent the night at school.

May 22

Tristan carrying the Spain flag for field day.

May 21

Grayson looking so good after three shots.

Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20

Liam taking cupcakes for a pre-birthday treat. 

Liam getting sung happy birthday to by his class. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19

Tristan and Daddy finding a quiet place in the garage to work on homework. 

May 18

Tristan and Colin relaxing and enjoying cake at cousin Waylon's birthday party. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

May 17

Declan happily heading up to nap time.

May 16

Grayson playing Mommy's Iphone during the big boys baseball game.

May 15

Declan watching Colin's presentation at school.

May 14

Colin so serious after school. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13

Grayson hugging the ball

May 12

Declan on Mother's Day with a 104 degree fever.

May 11

Colin looking serious about his pitch

May 10

Daddy and Tristan having a little soccer practice

May 9

Tristan, Liam, Declan, Grayson all "helping"  Uncle Brendan at Costco.

May 8

Liam such an awesome guy!

May 7

Tristan and Grayson. Grayson adores his biggest brother.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 6

Liam and Gramma celebrating Grandparents Day at the boys' school

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5

Happy Birthday Uncle Brendan! With the loving help of Liam, Declan and Tristan.

May 4

Liam, Mommy, Colin, Tristan enjoying a cold night waiting for a fireworks show.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 3

Liam, Declan, Grayson and Tristan keep busy while waiting for their food at dinner

May 2

Grayson's new skill. Climbing on top of the kitchen table. 

May 1


Thursday, May 2, 2013

April 30
Daddy with two tired boys.
April 29
Colin practicing guitar
April 28
Grayson helping with the garndening at the boys' school.
April 27
Tristan at bat trying to get Colin home. Colin is on third base.

April 26

Playground slide time.

April 25
Grayson looking like he is up to something.
April 24
Greg and Papa trying to determine what's up with the car.

April 23
Goof ball! Silly Liam!
April 22
Happy Birthday Tristan!!

April 21
A little donut snack before Sunday school.