Friday, December 13, 2013

December 8

Grayson and Declan found the surprise I brought for breakfast.

December 7

Great Grandpa Schulz with his decorated tree.

December 6

Grayson thinks he is so big and so cool as he tries to login to the laptop.

December 5

Colin using raw spaghetti noodles and marshmallows to build at his schools science night. 

December 4

Tristan, Colin and Liam decorating our Christmas tree.

December 3

Grayson and Declan so sweet at the zoo.

December 2

Liam enjoying one beautiful December day.

December 1

Daddy and Uncle Brendan putting the lights on Gramma and Papa's house.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

November 30

Liam, Colin and Tristan making bracelets with Aunt Lindsey and of course help from Declan. Uncle Brendan just watching. 

November 29

Grayson in iPhone heaven.

November 28

Grandpa Schulz telling stories on Thanksgiving

November 27 

Pies Tristan, Colin and Liam helped Gramma make for Thanksgiving

November 26
Tristan and Colin's school program

 November 25

Declan apparently took an iPad to nap

November 24

Gramma and Liam making an ornament at Gramma's church advent night. 

November 23

Greg, Colin, Tristan, Grayson, Uncle Brendan, Declan, Gramma and Liam playing train for game night. 

Tristan and Grayson waiting for their turn.

 November 22

Grayson being silly with Gramma's hat

 November 21

Liam loves his stuffed animals

November 20

Declan waiting for his swim teacher