Saturday, May 24, 2014

May 23

Last day of sixth, fifth and first grades!

May 22

Liam looking smooth during his classes dance number for the talent show

May 21

 Colin very happy after just scoring an infield home run for his team!

May 20

Tristan at second base during his first regular season night game.

May 19

Enjoying the running around while waiting for the big boys to get out of school

May 18

Grayson hanging out in a tree at baseball

May 17

Tristan pitching for his Coyote team. 

May 16

Liam making the opening ceremony walk for field day.

May 15

Colin catching a little nap before his game.

Friday, May 16, 2014


Dinner after baseball at B & G. The boys love the stools and the ice cream that comes at the end.

May 13

Last Spanish reading homework for this first grader. 

May 12

Declan: " get up here Grayson. Mommy take our picture"

May 11

Declan, Tristan, Colin, Liam at SAC Museum on Mother's Day. 

May 10

Liam cheering on Tristan as he catches for his Coyote team.

May 9

Reading before lights out 

Friday, May 9, 2014

May 8

Tristan's first game under the lights this season. 

May 7

Carefree and full of joy!

May 6

Liam pitching his first game. 

 May 5

Happy Birthday Uncle Brendan!!

May 4

Tristan's black eye after a little mishap with a baseball and a fence. 

May 3 
Grayson and bubbles. He would run through bubbles all day if he could. 

May 2

Tristan warming up one of the pitchers for his team. 

May 1

Grayson and Colin taking a little walk during Tristan's game. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

April 30

Declan and Grayson taking turns spinning on the doctors stool. As we waited for strep test results. Turned out positive:(

April 29

Grayson excited for our trip to Target because he got his own slushie. 

April 28

Colin such a great helper. He at least pretends he likes to vacuum.