Friday, August 14, 2015

Grayson loves wearing the headphones
July 31

Colin trying out his locker at his new school during orientation 
July 30

Colin and Daddy deep in conversation at the bowling alley
July 29

Grayson checking out how to do this dentist thing. 
July 28

Declan is not a fan of the id bracelet at the rheumatologist office. 
July 27

I love his side burn curl. He does not. 
July 26

Declan not feeling well today
July 25

Colin built the pyramid. It was pretty challenging and took a lot of patience.
 July 24

Declan at the Children's Museum
July 23

These two loved this big swing at the park in Blair. 
July 22

Of course one would want to sleep with a big dinosaur dragon toy.
July 21

Declan out cold. He set himself up with the beanbag and his princess sophia blanket. Silly guy
July 20

Shoe shopping with my #1 boy
July 19

New computer set up
July 18

Declan says this is the perfect lunch box for him. (he hasn't figured out that he does not eat lunch at preschool)
July 17

Liam's All Star team
July 16

I love little kid bowling shoes. So cute.
 July 15

Liam loves his new blanket from Aunt Krista
July 14

Playing with dental floss while the big guys practice hitting.
July 13

Working on cleaning the little's room!

four hours later a nice and clean room. 
 July 12

They love sleeping on the living room floor altogether. 
July 11

Superman Grayson watching the game.
July 10

A very tired baseball player. Falling asleep at dinner after the game.
July 9

Waiting for the elevator oldest to youngest
July 8

Colin at his 7th grade well check/physical
July 7

All packed in and heading home after a great time in Colorado
 July 6

Declan riding in the cart down the cart escalator at Ikea
July 5

Fuzzy picture of boys doing snappers walking back to Lindsey's house after watching some firework shows.
July 4

Liam with the Colorado mountains and the lake we just swam and kayaked in 
 July 3

Dinner on the way to meet Lindsey and the big boys in Colorado
July 2

 Colin and Tristan loving Colorado
July 1