Saturday, October 3, 2015

Declan worn out after school today.
September 30

 Five boys four flu mists and one flu shot. Hoping for a healthy fall/winter
September 29

Declan and Grayson were very excited to be going to a play with Gramma
September 28

 Liam proud of his new Bible he was given at Gramma's church
September 27

Ready to give our support to little Ameilia
 (little 2 year old granddaughter of Gramma's who is fighting leukemia)
September 26

Sometimes he still is little
September 25

Cotton candy beard at Gramma's school picnic
September 24

Perfect. Love the sign and that Declan's shirt says "user guide not included" 
September 23

Wearing green to show support for Grace and mitochondrial 
September 22

My boys in red heading into the awesome cinnamon roll place in Colorado 
September 21 

These boys were trying to lift a piano
 September 20

Three lonely Huskers waiting to get into the play area at Ikea
September 19

Liam, Declan and Grayson enjoying an awesome park in Colorado
September 18

Stopped for lunch on the way to Colorado
September 17

Enjoying a snack at Target after getting all sweaty at the park 
September 16

Grayson looked so comfy snuggled under Mommy's comforter
September 15

Love how Grayson is looking at Declan in his school birthday crown
September 14

Five boys and two cousins playing with one of Declan's birthday gifts
September 13

Colin pitching for his fall team
September 12

Tristan's nice outfit. He had mock interviews in career planning at school 
September 11

Happy 5th Birthday Declan
September 10

Grayson did not like Declan staying at school

Declan sooo excited for preschool
September 9

Tristan catching for his fall ball team 
September 8

Shopping with Tristan for a nice outfit. He was not too excited about the white suit.
September 7

Spent the day at the farm 
September 6

Declan takes his card game very seriously
September 5

Looks like Grayson tried the brownies 
September 4 

A great and beautiful day at the zoo

Declan loving the train ride at the zoo
September 3 

Colin so happy to get his picture taken
September 2 

Loving this guys style
September 1