Saturday, November 7, 2015


Happy Halloween
October 31

Pumpkin carving time.
October 30

Look its a dinosaur! 
October 29

Taking a break on the big jumping pillow at the pumpkin patch.
October 28

Grayson "take my picture jumping"  
October 27

Tristan at his first basketball game
 October 26

Grayson riding on the bottom of the cart at Target.
October 25

Liam not feeling well. Grayson waited patiently for Liam to be looked at by the doctor. 
October 24

Tristan trying on his police costume from first grade.
October 23

Tristan and Colin heading out to school. 
October 22

Declan was excited and very ready for color day at school.
October 21

Grayson enjoying a snack while we shop.
October 20

Tristan was very excited to get a the Jurassic World set he'd saved for all summer.
October 19

Krista going old school with a paper map.
October 18

Krista at Lake Suprior
October 17

Krista surprised to get a fried egg on her hamburger.
 October 16

Me with a big lego guy in Mall of America.
October 15

Panera soup on their day off. 
October 14

Declan in the tree at the Tree House in Nebraska City.
October 13

Grayson is way on top. He is such a climbing machine.
October 12

Just these three tonight. Grayson was loving it. 
October 11

All ready for the Husker game and bundled up for the chilly baseball games.
October 10

Liam with a beautiful sky
October 9

Grayson looking good with his rain boots and crazy helmet.
October 8

First time I colored my own hair. Turned out pretty well.
October 7

Dinner at the baseball fields between two games.
October 6

Grayson being so good and patient at Mommy's doctor appointment.
October 5

Tristan organizing the shoes in the front closet. Apparently with a house full of boys we have a lot of dark colored shoes.
 October 4

Applebees lunch thanks to free lunch tickets Liam bought with fun money at school.
October 3 

Liam hanging out
October 2

Grayson showing off the number three at lunch.
 October 1