Wednesday, February 17, 2016

January 2016

New Year, listening to Gramma reading a new book
 January 1

Tristan making a snow angel
January 2 

Grayson sleeping with a power rangers glove on, of course. 
January 3 

All bundled up playing a little guitar.
January 4

Safety first when using tools. Good thing they are plastic pretend tools.
January 5

 Keeping busy while waiting at the doctor's office
 January 6

Big dude. Tristan
January 7

Playing a new card game. Funny places they choose to play. 
January 8

Big boy. "I can do it my self"
January 9

Funny guy
January 10

Puppy and his stuffed animal
January 11

January 12 

Grayson getting a hearing test. He had so much fun. Silly boy
January 13

 My target buddy enjoying a little snack. 
January 14

Playing cards with Great Grandpa Schulz
January 15 

Happy 98th Birthday Grandpa Schulz
January 16

Crazy hair boy.
 January 17

Bedtime stories with Daddy
January 18

My goofy, silly funny boys
January 19

Grayson just chilling out while shopping.
January 20

Oh my! High School orientation with Tristan. 
January 21

Waiting for Daddy to get off his plane. He's been in New Jersey all week. 
 January 22

Daddy and his siblings. (Suzanne, Patrick and Jon)
January 23 

Bedtime stories with Daddy. One more boy joined tonight. 
January 24 

Making brownies
January 25

me and my cutie. 
January 26

Whose behind the mask? Why SuperGrayson! 
January 27

Mr. Martin looking so handsome
January 28

Ellen and Marting before their play.
January 29

Liam excitedly waiting for his first game.  

Liam getting the rebound in his first basketball game. 
January 30

Playing ping pong sitting on tall chairs, of course. 
January 31