Sunday, May 22, 2016

March just a little late

Mr. Goggle eyes. He wore these all day today.

My little grocery shopping helper. They love these little carts. 

Liam's crazy hair day. It's a little hard to see but this side is green, he had purple in the middle and the other side was orange. The green took a few days for it to totally come out.

It was also crazy hat day. His crazy hat matched his crazy hair.  

A beautiful night to walk to dinner. Of course we had do stop and climb this tree.  

Cart surfing at the hardware store. 

Grayson with his own unique style. I don't think he understood the point of the bike helmet.

Sleeping on bean bags under the beds of course. 

Fun day at the park during Liam's spring break. 

A trip to the zoo with these two. Love that spring breaks weather was nice and we could enjoy the week. 

Brothers 2 and 4 reading in the sunlight. 

 Grayson helping me vacuuming the car. He did a great job!

Liam always on the move during his basketball games. 

Two cute matching boys excited to go to the bookstore. 

Brothers 1 and 5!

Colin making funny faces. 

Mismatch day.  

Four out of five blurs having a great time at the trampoline park. 

Colin getting his hair washed at his haircut. It was pretty long. 

Archery tournament for these two. 

Today's grocery shopping helper. So proud of his own cart.  

 Colin skills games begin. 

 Boy oh boy is his shirt right. "User guide not included" we have to figure it out day by day:-)

Still has a little red nose from his fall at the park but so much better. 

Big day! Batman vs. Superman in IMAX 3D!  

Of course they all had to show their support for the superheroes. 

Declan singing in his Easter chapel celebration. 

We colored a few eggs for Easter!  One dozen for each child and one for Gramma and Mommy. 

Happy Easter 2016

Our home for the next few months. The baseball fields. 

Daddy a few years ago. 

Declan's crazy hair day at school. He wanted to color his hair like Liam did a few weeks ago but liked this idea much better. 

Grayson needed a turn with the crazy hair.  

Mommy enjoying watching Tristan's first track meet of the year. It may have been a little cold.