Tuesday, July 18, 2017

May 2017

May 1
This poor kiddo has had so many PFAPA fevers lately.

 May 2
Such an angel waiting at the target pharmacy for mommy. 

May 3
Colin watching Grayson's game looking so handsome. 

May 4
Dinner after baseball. 

May 5 
Hanging out with this cutie for B's birthday

May 6
Shopping at the hardware store. Oh so fun. 

May 7
Picnic at Gramma's 

May 8
I had my hair braided by Amy today. I love it!!

May 9 
Crazy hair day at school.

May 10
"Nerd" day today. Liam looks awesome!

May 11
Declan's game. 

May 12 
This kid... he has so much personality. 

May 13
Tristan shooting arrows at the renaissance festival. 

May 14 
Getting so big.

May 15
Liam had his nails painted at school today.

May 16 
Lucky boy, lucky Mommy out to lunch before school. 

May 17
Colin always excited to get his hair cut. 

May 18 
Grayson loves to dress himself lately. He also likes to dress up. 

May 19  
Tristan and Colin love they are on the same team. 

May 20 
Colin's awesome awards he earned this year at school! Way to go Colin!

May 21
Tristan and a fresh haircut. 

May 22
Colin so long as he pitches.

May 23
Grayson's last day of school! So handsome. 

 May 25
Liam's and Declan's last day of school. 

May 26
Helping Gramma plant flowers.

May 27
My big four boys in orange playing catch before Liam's tournament.

May 28
Happy 14th Birthday Colin.

May 29

May 30
Grayson of course has his own style bowling.

May 31
Declan was waiting for me in the hallway this morning just like this. 

Sunday, July 16, 2017

April 2017

April 1
Grayson is loving everything Harry Potter so of course he thinks he can read it too. 
 April 2
Liam apparently did not want a picture today😉 

April 3
Looks like it's time for a haircut.
 April 4

April 5
Grayson lounging while shopping at Sams. 

April 6
My pretty bush before the flowers are gone.

April 7 
Liam's first skills game

April 8  
Tristan and Colin's first game. Tristan catching and Colin pitching.

April 9
Grayson was very proud to put a tattoo on his chest. 

 April 10
Poor Declan having a fever today. 

April 11
Two big boys 

April 12
Liam after school

April 13
Colin got a haircut!

April 14
Grayson was so excited to get his uniform

April 15
Little L such a cutie

April 16 
Easter eggs made by Lizzie and Lucy. I spent Easter there this year.

April 17
That's a whole lot of goodies to bring home.

April 18 
Hey Colin I think the mask is on the wrong part. 

April 19 
Mommy and Grayson 

April 20
PFAPA starting again. :(

April 21
I love my lunch dates with my little man. 

April 22
Happy 15th Birthday Tristan

April 23
Grayson drawing in the dirt waiting his turn to bat. 

April 24
Colin looks so excited to be mowing the lawn. 

April 25
Dinner with my three big boys after practice.

April 26
Daddy taking a moment to warm up during a very cold baseball game for Tristan and Colin. It was so cold the boys couldn't feel their hands. It was 40 degrees. 

April 27
Declan's first farm game. 

April 28
Just a cutie

April 29
A day at the gardens with Gramma. 

April 30
Five silly red nosed boys!