Monday, August 21, 2017


Grayson decided to cut his own hair. The bottom right picture shows his sly pride then the bottom left is when I told him I was texting Lindsey he got mad and did not want me to share. 

Declan excited to eat corn on the cob with the little piggies. 

Declan helping to add knobs to the dresser.  

Fourth of July sparkler fun!

Double Batman

Happy Boys to have their two big brothers home. 

He has his own style

Handsome big boy. 

Look how excited these two are for a haircut.  

A visit to Durham. They had a fun spy exhibit. 

Goofy bowling boys

Driving practice

Silly mirror faces

Just liked my hair this day. 

Taking turns trying the ninja gym Daddy made.

Watching Liam's game 

Proud to have picked out his school backpack and lunch box. First grade here we come. 

Liam's All Star Medal 

Tristan's permanent driving permit came today! 

cool binnacle Grayson

 Grayson found out his iPod can take pictures. He took a lot! 

Cowboy Declan

Liam just had to see an urgent care in Washington. Being sick on a road trip is not fun. 

At a Mariners Baseball Game!!!! 

Baseball on the beach

June 2017

Handsome young man at Gramma's retirement party

"watching" his brother's game

Grayson just relaxing before his game. 

Grayson and Declan keeping busy playing toys at baseball.

Wohoo! Declan lost his first tooth!

A day at the zoo.  

Camp Humell mud obstacle course day. Liam said the counselors sprayed a lot off before they got on the bus today. 

L and Grayson watching Liam's game. 

L is such a cute little helper. She came and asked if she could help. Such a sweetheart.

That's a  whole bunch of boys in there.  

Happy 10th Birthday Liam!

 L looking adorable in her hat!

Grayson proud to hold L's hand and Liam stuck in the middle

Colin trying to keep the sun off his screen. 

Going bowling

Colin was not happy with the way Outback smells, so he took matters into his own hands and gave the dog a bath.  

Colorado parks are awesome! 

Colin just hanging around. 

Had a little storm and ended up with part of the neighbors tree in our driveway while we were away.

Awesome park in Colorado. Grayson loved the zip line.

Going to the pool!

Grayson was worn out after swimming.

Three happy girls to have Mommy home.

Grayson wanted to slip in the crib at Lindsey's. Such a silly boy

Declan ready to catch!

At my hair appointment today I got this beautiful braid! I love it .

Colin happy to take a break cleaning out Gramma's office to get a snuggle.

Liam and his crazy Lego binnacle

Declan painting his dresser drawer.

Finished dresser project! The boys love it.

fun game of tag before bed

Liam and Declan and some sprinkler fun.

Grayson buried with his stuffed animals.

Who doesn't wear a ski mask, no shirt and shorts. Silly guy.