Monday, November 6, 2017


Playing in the "ocean" in Seattle. The Shockey boys were not all that excited at the temperature. 

 Grayson was so excited to be buried in the sand. He is actually standing up under the sand. 

Snoqualmie Falls

Yoga at Aunt Krista's  

Awesome Aunt Krista's fun 

Liam in the Icicle River in Leavenworth Washington 

Grayson and Declan enjoying a rest while out on a hike with Daddy. 

Saying goodbye is not fun. Liam is not at all happy about it. 

Idaho Falls 

Beautiful Grand Tetons 

 Hiking in Toad Stool Park. The boys had a great time. 

Hiking in Niobrara State Park 

Grayson showing off his muscles 

Liam getting a hair cut from Amy. A fun time!

Ninja Grayson

Colin's first day of Ninth Grade. High School!

Tristan's first day as a sophomore!

Declan learning how to use a weighted ball to exercise.  

Shirtless Grayson riding his bike

Declan's first day of first grade. 

Grayson, Liam and Declan off to kindergarten, fifth grade and first grade. 

Grayson is very excited to start kindergarten! 

Big fifth grader!

Ready for day number 2

Declan's first fever back to school

Tristan getting a flu shot at Target. He was so excited!

Dabbing Grayson 

 Watching the eclipse.

A little night time workout. 

Love this cutie! 

Declan lost a tooth!!! 

Grayson and Declan checking out Declan's missing tooth. 

Tristan working hard on his homework 

Declan's so excited to have homework. Silly boy. 

Colin's turn for homework.  

Pool shark

Grayson's silly new hat.