Saturday, April 20, 2013

 April 20

Liam (left) and his best bud Sam "watching" their big brothers play ball. 

April 19

Liam at the school carnival.

April 18
Declan and his umbrella

Liam and his umbrella. (it's been very rainy)

April 17

Grayson loves to climb everything!

April 16

Declan waiting for the doctor again. 

April 15

Liam reading his homework

April 14

Brendan and Greg after they just emptied the truck of 6000 pounds of dirt.

April 13

Baseball season has begun. Colin on first base and Tristan in right field

Friday, April 12, 2013

April 12

 Handsome Liam at his kindergarten spring program.

April 11

Tristan and Declan

April 10

Happy Birthday Gramma!!

April 9

Brendan, Declan and I decorated Gramma's office with 65 butterflies for her birthday.

April 8

Grayson and Declan riding bikes just like the big boys.

April 7

A whole bunch of boys. Shockey boys and Truesdell boys playing at Gramma and Papa's house

April 6

Date lunch with Mommy and Liam.

April 5

Grayson just hanging around

April 4

Declan and Feliz

April 3

Colin giving Grayson a ride down the hill at Gramma and Papa's... Grayson did not like it

April 2

Grayson thought he was hot stuff getting on Colin's computer

April 1

 Grayson and Declan ready to tackle the grocery store

March 31

Happy Easter 
Declan, Colin, Tristan, Grayson and Liam 

Easter baseball practice on the farm.

March 30
Dying Easter eggs. I could not decide on which one to share so
 I shared them all




Aunt Lindsey and Declan

March 29

Getting a ride out of the hotel. 

Grayson and Declan riding on the "Cow Jumped Over the Moon" at Storyland in New Orleans

March 28

Declan and Grayson along the North Shore of Lake Pontchartrain

March 27

Declan, Mommy, Grayson in New Orleans

March 26

 Declan and Grayson sound asleep on the plane heading to New Orleans.

Declan enjoying ice cream in New Orleans with Aunt Lindsey

March 25

Happy Birthday Papa!!
We celebrated a few days late due to Declan being in the hospital.

March 24

Liam finally got a chance to hold Feliz.

March 23

Tristan reading to Grayson and Declan

March 22

All six of my boys playing games at Dave and Busters
March 21

Tristan in Jamestown.  Looks like he might be a while.

Tristan and George Washington in Yorktown.

March 20

Bath time for Grayson at Aunt Jasonea's house.

Declan being his own doctor.

Congressman Lee Terry with Tristan's class in Washington DC

March 19

Declan resting after his MRI at Childrens' Hospital

Tristan outside the National Archives in Washington D.C.

March 18

Declan checking into the hospital
Now that's A LOT of boys.
The big boys at the Truesdell's house.

March 17

Declan enjoying the green treats left by the leprechauns

March 16

Handsome Grayson

March 15
 Grayson goofing around at Costco while Declan takes a little snooze.