Friday, April 12, 2013

April 12

 Handsome Liam at his kindergarten spring program.

April 11

Tristan and Declan

April 10

Happy Birthday Gramma!!

April 9

Brendan, Declan and I decorated Gramma's office with 65 butterflies for her birthday.

April 8

Grayson and Declan riding bikes just like the big boys.

April 7

A whole bunch of boys. Shockey boys and Truesdell boys playing at Gramma and Papa's house

April 6

Date lunch with Mommy and Liam.

April 5

Grayson just hanging around

April 4

Declan and Feliz

April 3

Colin giving Grayson a ride down the hill at Gramma and Papa's... Grayson did not like it

April 2

Grayson thought he was hot stuff getting on Colin's computer

April 1

 Grayson and Declan ready to tackle the grocery store

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