Wednesday, June 12, 2013


June 12

My five guys! 

June 11

Happy 6th Birthday Liam.

June 10

Declan, Daddy, Liam and Keelan playing in the sprinkler during Liam's friend birthday party.

June 9

Tristan, Colin, and Liam with their baseball cakes for their family party.

June 8

Tristan and Colin's baseball team and siblings playing in the rain during the team BBQ.

June 7

Leaving Hummell Camp. What a great week it was for these two.

June 6

Liam's bright eyes.

June 5

 Declan sitting up high watching his big guys with Daddy.

June 4

I love they way Grayson is always squatting. Such a cutie. 

June 3

Mud slide day at Camp Hummell. Colin obviously loved it and Tristan was not into getting as muddy. 

June 2

Tristan pitching! He did a pretty good job but catcher is where his heart is. 

June 1

Colin (#13) trying to stay dry for a bit during a very rainy game. 

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