Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 20

Grayson and Liam.

January 19

Liam reading his homework to Grayson and Declan.

January 18

Declan and Grayson practicing Foosball.

 January 17

Grayson and Tristan. (Tristan was in time-out and Grayson didn't like it)

January 16

Declan and Grayson found a quiet spot. 

January 15

Liam and his Spanish reading and writing homework. 

January 14

Grayson laying on the kitchen floor. He is mad I put his coat on him. 

January 13

Declan swinging away at the farm. One of his favorite places to be. 

January 13

Liam with his new friend. He loves animals. 

January 12

Great Grandpa Schulz's 96th birthday! 

Liam and Great Grandpa Schulz.

January 11

Grayson with his lunch table made by Tristan as we travel. 

January 10

Cheesy Colin.

January 9

Grayson trying to get another cookie.

 January 9

 Foosball game Liam and Grayson vs. Declan and Colin. 

January 8

 Declan hanging out in his castle.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 7

I guess Grayson is ready for bed, as he tries to climb in. He has never tried to climb out. Crazy boy!

January 6

 Tristan making popcorn with his new popcorn machine.

January 5

All five boys playing with a light box where they have to get away from the jaguar. 

January 4

Liam, Declan, Grayson, Tristan and Colin with their Bulid-A-Bear boxes.
 (stuffed animals they helped make are inside the boxes.)

January 3 

Tristan, Mommy, Grayson, Colin, Declan and Liam with the huge tree at The Durham Museum.

Tristan, Declan, Liam, Colin and Grayson at The Durham Museum.

 January 2

Grayson so cute in Santa's hat.

January 1

Uncle Brendan and Declan watching the Husker game. 
December 31

Happy New Year! 
Declan and Daddy cheer.

December 30

Liam, Tristan, Colin and Declan waiting to see Frozen at the theater.

December 29

Gramma, Tristan, Lindsey, Colin, Declan, Grayson and Liam at Lauritzen Garden. 

 December 28

A kiss goodnight for Aunt Lindsey from Grayson

 December 27

Everyone enjoying the lights and window displays in Midtown. 
Look closely at the two pictures they are slightly different. 

December 26

Tristan waiting patiently at Verizon for his phone to be activated. It only took 1.5 hours.

December 25

Santa's helpers.

December 24

Tristan going to bed on Christmas Eve. He looks exhausted. 

December 23

Tristan enjoying lunch with Mommy.

December 22

Grandpa Schulz and Lindsey at the farm Christmas

December 21

Grayson hiding in the fridge at the farm. 

December 20


 December 19

Cute little jugs of milk for Grayson and Declan while out to lunch with Gramma.

December 18

Grayson very happy to be playing in the bath.

December 17

Tristan, Declan, Liam, Grayson and Colin playing under a bike rack at Midtown Crossing. 

December 16

Declan and Grayson found a perfect little spot to have a drink at the gym.

December 15

Reading Christmas books with Gramma

December 14

Colin alphabetizing Gramma's spices

December 13

Movie night. They watched The Polar Express

December 12



Declan feeding Grayson a delicious crepe.

 December 10

Liam, Tristan (showing where he just lost a tooth) and Colin

December 9

Colin, Liam, Tristan and Grayson enjoying lunch at Lithuanian Cafe