Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 7

I guess Grayson is ready for bed, as he tries to climb in. He has never tried to climb out. Crazy boy!

January 6

 Tristan making popcorn with his new popcorn machine.

January 5

All five boys playing with a light box where they have to get away from the jaguar. 

January 4

Liam, Declan, Grayson, Tristan and Colin with their Bulid-A-Bear boxes.
 (stuffed animals they helped make are inside the boxes.)

January 3 

Tristan, Mommy, Grayson, Colin, Declan and Liam with the huge tree at The Durham Museum.

Tristan, Declan, Liam, Colin and Grayson at The Durham Museum.

 January 2

Grayson so cute in Santa's hat.

January 1

Uncle Brendan and Declan watching the Husker game. 

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