Saturday, March 22, 2014

February 28

I knew Declan and Grayson were probably up to no good when they were so quiet. I bet they had a great time making this wonderful lego mess which did not end in the bedroom but went down the hall too.  

February 27

Liam and Tristan focused as we waited for Colin to finish safety patrol.  
February 26

They both seem to be missing their pants but, I love catching them playing nicely. 

February 25

Liam always a happy guy after school. 

February 24

Declan's crazy hair. There is no hope.

February 23

Tristan getting ready to battle at the Robotic Competition.

February 22

Grayson and his Bubble Guppie cake during his family celebration.

February 21

Gramma and Liam working on his Spanish homework.

February 20

Colin and his clay creation. 

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