Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 22

Happy  12th Birthday Tristan!

April 21

Glasses and an icee. It's good to be two.

April 20

Happy Easter!!!

April 19

Tristan at third base. 

 April 18

Liam crab crawling through the bike tunnel. 

April 17

Grayson having dinner at the fields. 

 April 16

Liam surrounded by many girls during Tristan's baseball game. 

April 15

The eclipse.

 April 14

My anniversary dates. Grayson and Daddy. 

April 13

Liam's first farmers league game. He is ready to hit the ball out of here. 

April 12

Colin is his teams closer pitcher and is so proud of himself  (as we all are) this season!!

April 11

Tristan has become a power hitter this year! Opening game of the spring season. 

April 10

Happy Birthday Gramma!

April 9

Declan, Liam and Grayson having fun just being kids and playing outside. 

April 8 

Liam enjoying running around on a beautiful day. 

April 7

Knight Grayson Emmett

 April 6

Colin with a little blue frosting on his nose. (He didn't believe me so I took a picture to show him.)

April 5

Liam proud to be participating in the UNO culture fest. 

April 4

Tristan's first skills baseball game. He got on base with this hit and made the first score of the night. 

April 3

Declan helping plant the flower pots in the rain.

April 2

Grayson intently watching baseball practice. 

April 1

So cute Declan reading a story to Grayson before nap.

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