Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Playing the "wall games" waiting for the doctor.
 January 31

Movie night. Grayson is hiding under the brown blanket. 
 January 30

Tristan very excited to be at the doctor
January 29

One asleep one awake.
 January 28

Declan pretending to be the doctor as we wait his doctor.
 January 27

Five boys playing one game "together" Grayson and Declan are watching Tristan's game as he controls it in the background.
 January 26

Grayson falling asleep while getting his hair cut. He was out cold half way through. 
January 25

Target errands
 January 24 

These crazy guys would rather sleep together on the floor sometimes rather than in their beds
January 23

My five sons :) 
 January 23

Grayson trying to figure out how to use the microphone. 
January 22

Grayson and Declan "going" to school. (actually picking up the big boys)
 January 21

Here is our crazy dare devil standing straight up on the top of three bunk beds!
 January 20

Colin, Declan and Grayson building with squigz
 January 19

Grayson making cookies
 January 18

Tristan excited to be going on the roof to take down the holiday lights.
 January 17

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