Tuesday, November 8, 2016

August 2016

H and Declan waiting for the tubers to come by. 

Lindsey, Colin, Liam and Tristan relaxing down the river. 

Liam loving pool time in Colorado. 

Colin and Declan skipping rocks 

Colin just hanging out.

A beautiful full color rainbow as we came home. It actually came out on the other side. I had never seen that before. 

Mr. High school checking out his locker before the first day of school. 

A crazy snack hat for Liam.

Pretty excited to have a pool table in the living room. A nice gift from Daddy's boss. 

My cute boys ready to hit the lanes. The bowl free summer event has been a lot of fun over the past few years.  

Dancing in the rain. We got caught in a huge down pour while shopping.

Tristan's first day of school. 

Colin's first day of school.

Air hockey challenge on Grayson's last day of summer break.  

Grayson's first day of school.

Liam made fun colorful cookies. 

One happy boy and one not so happy boy.  

Declan very excited to check out his class room on meet your teacher night.  

Liam's first day of school.

Declan first day of kindergarten.

Tristan. Man does he look so grown up. 

Having a blast playing at school.

Now that is what I'd call bed head. (Colin)

Daddy working on making gates for the backyard.

Daddy and Grayson practicing their pool skills. 

Cutie on picture day. 

Colin just hanging out.

Liam reading bedtime stories.

Mommy and Grayson

Grayson and Daddy

Grayson smelling the beautiful flowers. 

Pokemon hunting.  

Littlest and biggest

One tired boy after school. 

This kiddo loves school. He was so excited to tell me all about it today.  

Saturday, November 5, 2016

July 2016

 Fort Collins ice cream snack stop

Tristan can't say no to any tree anywhere.

Bear hugging

Happy Fourth of July

Big boys upside down.

Making silly faces at dinner.

Tristan and a giant slice of pizza.

Tristan in another tree. Watching the game from the best spot.

Two boys and the fields they love

Liam just sitting on a rock.

Grayson checking out his shot while bowling.

This is one crazy little monkey.

Who will get the last bite?

Last game dinner of the season.

Trying to become part of the target.

Working hard.

Little boys helping Daddy.

Sports physical. He was so excited.

Grayson, Colin and Liam waiting for Tristan at the airport.

Found this silly kid just like this.

 On the border. One side Iowa and the other Nebraska

Our five handsome sons.

Building a trampoline.

Jumping boys making sure everything works right.

Dipping our feet at the park.

Liam tubbing down the little rapids.

Grayson's cute crossed legs.

Little miss rolling Colin down the hill.

She loves to swing. Could do it all day.

 Two very excited boys shopping with Lindsey and Heather.

Bringing the huskers to Colorado.

Tubing fun!

Got caught in the rain as they were tubing.