Saturday, November 5, 2016

June 2016

My two little men waiting for Finding Dory to begin. 

 Grayson thinks it's a bit too hot for baseball today. 

Climbing trees while waiting for the next game.  

Grayson such a dare devil he just loved climbing trees.  

Tristan got beamed by a pitch. He was a little proud that it left a little mark. 

 Liam got a little dirty at Mud obstacle course day at camp.

Such a big helper. 

Grayson was helping Tristan move furniture for the carpet cleaners.

Hummel Award winner!

Happy 9th Birthday Liam!

Story time with Gramma.

Backyard pool party. 

Tristan putting the desk together. 

Declan, Liam and Grayson at Bible School.

Liam showing what he has learned as catcher. Fist down and up on his toes.  

Bible school performance. 

Rock climbing while visiting Grandpa Shockey 

Happy Father's Day to our amazing Daddy!

Declan very serious about learning to pitch. 

Coach Shockey with the tournament winning socks

Love watching #7 

OSU Champions for Memorial Little League.

Declan and his baseball buddy Ally.
 (she's the sister of one of the players on Colin's team) 

Going on a walk in Colorado.

It was early in the morning about 1:00 a.m. when Colin arrived in Colorado. He was sooooo excited baby L was still up to meet him. 

Liam in a Colorado tree. 

Two happy little guys with new stuffed kitties at IKEA.

Love baby feet. So cute.

Declan on top of the world. 

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