Monday, March 7, 2016

February 2016

Grayson was so proud to be helping with the laundry.
February 1

Our first snow day. Fun time playing in the snow. 
February 2

Grayson and Declan helping to put away groceries. 
February 3

New haircut place. Declan liked the princess car.

Grayson did a great job not crying at all for haircuts! 
February 4

Liam during his program. Love his grin. (sorry for the grainy picture.;(
February 5

Grayson and his feathers. This kid loves feathers. Luckily for him we have four pillows full of feathers. 
February 6 

Tired Declan
 February 7

This guy and his dog. 
February 8

Three boys cuddled under their blankets under the fort Daddy built them. Silly how they have comfy beds right there but love sleeping in the fort. 
February 9

Ooohhh. "My i-cream cold" -Grayson almost 4 years old
 February 10

Liam looking so sweet at his Valentines Party.
February 11

Colin of course.
February 12

Liam playing a great ball game. He is always on the move. 
February 13

Grayson and Declan giving their new stuffed animals a wash at build-a-bear
February 14

Grayson loving playing big boy games at the arcade. 
February 15

My five boys enjoying dinner at five guys for a fundraiser for Liam's school.
February 16

Liam and his puppy just back from the groomers.  
February 17

Enjoying his little brother's basketball game. 
February 18

Happy 4th Birthday Grayson!!!!
February 19

Liam making his move 
February 20

This four year old just chilling out waiting his turn to bowl.
 February 20

Tristan so happy to be folding laundry
February 21

Lunch with Liam and his friends at school.
February 22

He jumped, missed and ended up with a big scrapped up bloody nose. 
February 23

Goofy Liam after a long night of basketball practice then a friends birthday party. 
February 24

Declan, Liam and Grayson bouncing the day away. 
February 25

Grayson's nose is getting better.  
February 26

Tristan and Colin on their way home. 
February 27

Found these two cuties in my bed this morning. 
February 28

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