Wednesday, August 14, 2013


August 14

First day of school!

August 13

Colin watching the jellyfish.

August 12

Liam choosing his desk at meet your teacher day. 

August 11

Grayson, Daddy, Declan, Colin, Liam and Tristan.

August 10

Grayson and Tristan.

August 9

Colin and Tristan by themselves on the SkyFari at the zoo.

August 8

Our last night on the farm Liam spraying silly string.

August 7

Grayson just hanging around the Old Mill in Neligh.

August 6

Lightning storm off in the distance at the farm. 

Liam and his caterpillar "pet".

August 5

Taking a little drink break from sidewalk chalk drawing. 

 August 4

Liam chilling on the John Deere.

 August 3

Shucking sweet corn, getting it ready for freezing. 

August 2

Grayson, Declan and Tristan playing in the dirt pile. Grayson's favorite activity.

 August 1

Tristan, Colin, Liam, Grayson and Declan making a plan. 

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