Saturday, August 10, 2013


July was a crazy month but here is a peak into what we were up to. 

July 31

A game of train with Grandpa Schulz, all the boys and Aunt Lindsey.

July 30

Declan shucking corn for dinner. Well, at least trying to.

July 29

Grayson and Declan try out the pool. (it was a bit chilly)

July 28

Liam trying to spike the ball in a volleyball game. 

July 27

Daddy and Colin cruising on the 4-wheeler.

July 26

Declan and Grayson playing in the rain.

July 25

Grandpa Schulz and Grayson deep in conversation.

July 24

Aunt Lindsey with Declan and Grayson

July 23

Grandpa Schulz taking a little time to enjoy Grandma's garden.

July 22

Declan staying cool at the zoo.

July 21

Krista, Mom, Lindsey and Heather's fingers all pretty.

 July 20

Grayson with Martin's birthday balloons. 

 July 19

 Tristan, Colin, Martin and Liam just hanging around

July 18

The beautiful clouds above after Grandma's service.

July 17
Grayson hiding in the corn. 

July 16

Handsome Liam

July 15

Grandma Schulz. We miss you!

July 14

Grandpa and Grandma Schulz holding hands

July 13

Liam, Grandma Schulz, Colin, Christina, Declan and Tristan having fun at the fair.

Brendan, Tristan, Christina, and Colin ready for the super shot at the Madison County Fair. 

Declan and Liam riding the motorcycles at the fair. 

July 12 

Liam and Christina in the bubble at the Gorilla house.

July 11

Colin, Grayson, Declan, Liam, Christina and Tristan in the old trolley car at Durham Museum.

July 10

Tristan, Liam, Christina, Colin playing in the water at Stinson Park

July 9

After looking all over the house for Grayson I found him trying to get in his bed for nap.

July 8

Grayson NOT happy he jumped into the tub with his pants on.

July 7

Greg and Brendan attempting to install a new air conditioner in the third floor room.

July 6

Declan showing off his Lego creation.

 July 5

Grayson taking a much needed bath in Gramma's sink

July 4
Happy 4th of July!

July 3
Tristan and Colin in Rocky National Park

 July 2

Enjoying the view and working on the ranger books.

July 1

Liam roasting marshmallows in the Rocky Mountain National Park

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