Sunday, November 2, 2014

July 31
Grayson and Declan at Neale Woods with Gramma

July 30
Liam, Tristan and Colin in Klagenfurt Austria

July 29
Grayson loves climbing everything. Here he is on the fire hydrant on a walk with Gramma. 

Colin, Tristan and Liam in Venice Italy

July 28
Colin, Tristan and Liam in Austria

July 27
Grayson and Declan going up

July 26

Goofy boys. I looked back and they were making silly faces at each other. 

July 25

Liam, Tristan and Colin in Vienna Austria

July 24
Declan asked to go bowling. I figured sure how hard could it be to be on crutches and take two little guys bowling. Well as you can see we ended up playing skee-ball instead. 

July 23
Just Mommy and the two little guys for a while. So happy to have the bubble machine. It kept Declan and Grayson busy for a long time. 

July 22

Of course you can sit on top of all the legos in the lego bin. Ouch!

July 21
A little dancing and hanging out with family 
before Krista and her kiddos leave.

July 20

Martin playing and watching minecraft. Super talented. 

July 19
Colin, Liam and Tristan visiting Nueschwanstein Castle

July 18
Grayson turned into a Batman Butterfly

 July 17
Declan, Grace and Martin playing on the swings

Colin, Liam and Tristan arriving in Munich perhaps a little tired. 

July 16
Tristan, Colin, Liam and Lindsey starting out the long flight over the ocean.

All the boys hanging out at the airport as we wait for the 
big boys to leave with Aunt Lindsey to Europe,

July 15
A long day for Grayson. He fell asleep sitting up on the couch

July 14
Buzz Lightyear

July 13
Declan, Ellen, and Martin wait as Grayson takes a break on their walk.

July 12
Buzzlight Year (Declan) and Robin (Grayson) sitting in a basket

July 11
Grayson giving Grace a kiss at dinner

July 10
Grayson playing catch with Daddy during one of Tristan's games last month.

July 9
 Grayson and Declan learning how to play with a dog

Declan, Grayson Butter (uncle jonothan's dog) and Colin hanging out.

July 8
Grayson and his baseball buddy "watching" their brothers play ball. 

Colin pitching on the all star team

July 7
Tristan going to sleep on the couch. His bed when Krista and her family were here.

July 6
Grayson enjoying rock candy at the Durham Museum

July 5
Declan and Grace playing catch

July 4
Liam and his buddy Sam doing sparklers.

Tristan, Grayson, Liam, Declan and Ellen watch as Martin and Colin light fireworks.

July 3
My favorite part of physical therapy. 
The game ready pressurized ice treatment. 

July 2
Declan looking adorable at the zoo

Tristan signing up for his own bank account.

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