Monday, November 17, 2014

August 31

Daddy, Liam, Tristan and Declan all helping to fix the baseball T.

August 30

Declan ready for the first Husker game.

August 29 

Grayson off to the races.

August 28

Tristan relaxing with his little guys after school.

 August 27

Bedtime snack

August 26

biggest and littlest boys

August 25

Tristan working hard on his homework

 August 24

Grayson and Declan enjoying a mid-afternoon swim.

August 23

Grayson pushes Declan in his train. 

August 22

Tristan making watermelon balls. 

August 21

A game of 3 on 1 basketball. Daddy, Colin, Tristan and Liam.

August 20

Declan fell asleep while getting his haircut. 

August 19

Grayson enjoying being the only child for a little bit. 

August 18

Grayson and Declan testing out the train table at the book store. 

 August 17

Declan and Grayson having a "ball" in the bouncer. 

August 16

Declan wearing a batman snow hat on a lovely hot August day. 

August 15

Found Grayson in the family room this morning with his blanket, a drum, and a sippy cup watching the iPad.

August 14

Bath time for Grayson and Declan

August 13
First day of school for Liam (2nd grade) and Colin (6th grade)

 August 12

Tristan mowing the lawn.

August 11

Tristan's first day of 7th grade.

August 10

Grayson enjoying his Oreo cookies.

August 9

 Sushi time. Tristan and Liam

August 8

Found these five cuties walking down the sidewalk. On their way home from the playground.

August 7

Out cold by 5:30 tonight. I'm thinking jet lag has set in. 

August 6

Fuzzy picture of Grayson and Declan spotting their brothers coming home from their European adventure. 

August 5

Lindsey, Liam, Tristan and Colin in Salzburg.

 August 4

Declan asleep with his new McDonald's toy.

 August 3

Tristan, Mozart, Liam and Colin hanging out in Salzburg.

 August 2

Grayson making silly faces at the hardware store.

August 1

Colin, Tristan and Liam with a little bit of ice cream. (in Austria)

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