Thursday, December 4, 2014

October 31

Happy Halloween!

 Tristan helping Daddy put the finishing touches on his costume. 

October 30

Pumpkin carving. Tristan and the gunk.

October 29

Declan and Grayson having fun with play-doh

October 28

Grayson practicing his grocery shopping skills.

October 27

 This time Liam's foot hangs over the edge.

October 26

Pre-Halloween trunk or treat at Gramma's church.

October 25

Declan "I'm not tired" 

October 24

Out cold.

October 23

Colin, Tristan, Declan, Liam and Grayson at the zoo.

 October 22

Liam explaining his school work to Daddy at conferences. 

October 21 

Grayson took some time to carefully put the truck on his head. 

October 21

Grayson, Colin, Declan and Liam waiting for Mommy to finish helping at their school.

October 20

Liam's arm dangles as he sleeps. 

October 19

This silly guy always has so many big toys and books in his bed. This was a light night. 

 October 18

Grayson very proud of the house Daddy built him. 

October 17

Declan and Grayson being so good at Mommy's doctor appointment. 

 October 16

Halloween costume shopping and testing out. 

October 15

Daddy getting ready for his knee surgery. He is not a fan of shots or any kind of needle. 

 October 14

Tristan  Oreo cupcakes.

October 13

Grayson feeling so big boy sitting on boxes eating dinner at a folding table. 

October 12

Liam's crazy outfit.

October 11

Grayson supervising Daddy's work. 

 October 10

Watching Colin play a game while finishing dinner. 

 October 9

Declan is soooo excited to have finally gotten his Princess Sofia Halloween costume.  

 October 8
Grayson is glowing.

 October 7
Grayson has been very naughty at night so obviously he was upset to be sleeping in the baby port-a-crib.

October 6

Declan sporting headphones

October 4

Go Huskers!

 October 3

Tristan helping Grayson up the slide.

October 2 

Grayson waiting so nicely at Declan's checkup.

October 1

Three sleeping boys. Can you find them all?

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