Tuesday, December 2, 2014

September 30

Tristan on top of the play set at the park.

 September 29

Grayson and Declan driving the fire truck at the children's museum. Grayson paitned only his nose red today. 

September 28

Colin, Liam and Tristan teeter-tottering at Platte River State Park.

September 27 

Daddy and Declan taking a little nap

September 26


 September 25

Grayson making his crazy face. 

September 24

Declan very excited to be in Spanish class. 

 September 23

Bedtime stories

 September 22

Liam being silly

 September 21

Tristan and Grayson leaving the park.

Grayosn loves the rolling slide.

September 20

Daddy and Declan playing at the park

 September 19

Daddy made triple bunk beds for Liam, Declan and Grayson

September 18

Declan excited he got another letter!

September 17

Colin playing soccer on the schools team. 

September 16

Declan made a scarecrow candy necklace at gym school today. He was so proud. 

September 15

Colin helping Declan put together his new Bionicle.

September 14

Declan was very excited about the train track Tristan set up for his birthday party.

September 13

Tristan is such a great big brother playing football with the little guys

September 12

Declan got mail!

September 11

The caped crusaders

September 10

Happy 4th Birthday Declan!

September 9

Declan so excited to be alone with Mommy to make his birthday wish list. 

September 8

Colin crossing Liam on the way to school.

September 7

Running errands.

 September 6

Brrr it's so cold after swim lessons.

September 5

Grayson getting ready to pay at the grocery store.

September 4

Declan fever day:( 

September 3

Daddy and Grayson stuck together

September 2 

The big boys

September 1

Liam after insisting he wasn't tired sound asleep at the bottom of the steps.

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