Sunday, June 28, 2015

Perfect night for some frozen yogurt
May 31

Colin was awarded the team Gatorade today for his awesome pitching  
May 30

Liam taking a little nap at the baseball game
May 29

Happy 12th Birthday Colin 

Tristan's last day of school.
May 28

Last moments as 11 years old. 
May 27

Everyone looking so cozy in their blankets from Aunt Krista. (except for Liam he's getting one for his birthday)
 May 26

keeping up the Memorial Day tradition of showing our love to family that have gone.
May 25 

So nice that the boys are old enough now to help with the lovely job of mowing the lawn.
May 24

Lunch with the big boys. They are watching their food being cooked at the Mongolian Grill
May 23

Colin's Gold Presidential Award of Academic Excellence
May 22

Liam telling jokes at the school talent show
May 21 

Milkshakes after baseball
May 20 

Out cold
May 19

Tristan and Grayson trying to get into Colin's game
May 18

Baseball, superman, spiderman all in one.
May 17

He claims he was asleep
 May 16

Declan taking a break in the car after he just wiped out in a big puddle at Tristan's game. Lucky for us we had swim gear in the car.
May 15

Waking up
 May 14

Playing superheros
May 13 

Having lunch with the big boys at their school
May 12

Morning donuts
May 11

Happy Mother's Day

May 10

Grayson and Mommy dinner
May 9

Tristan loves his baseball blanket from Aunt Krista
May 8

Grayson, Liam and Tristan practice a little pitching 
May 7

Mommy's new baseball shirt 
May 6

Declan was so excited to pick our flowers and carry them to the car. He did not love the rain however. 
May 5

Waking up to this cutie
May 4

Grayson posing and asking me to take his picture
May 3

A new day a new game and much better weather.  
May 2

Declan and Grayson keeping warm and watching a movie during a cold baseball game.  
May 1

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