Tuesday, June 2, 2015

We really do love Liam's coach this year. (It's Daddy)
April 30

In the early hours of the morning. Grayson does not seem interested that it is 1:30 in the morning and I would like to go to sleep.
April 29

Liam pitching. He is such a good ball player.
 April 28

Five boys a glow. 
 April 27

Declan, Daddy and Grayson 
April 26

Grayson was so happy to see his Tristan after school today. So much love between these two. 
April 25 

Declan playing velcro ball during Liam's game.
April 24 

Colin shyly proud he won the game Gatorade for his excellent hitting and pitching tonight. 
April 23

A little Shockey pregame practice. 

Happy 13th Birthday Tristan.
April 22

Late night decorating for our first teenager.
April 21

Declan locked in watching a baseball game. 
April 20 

Liam waiting to take pictures of Tristan at track. 
April 19

Tristan playing his favorite position. Catcher 
April 18 

Grayson playing the ring toss at the boys' school carnival.
April 17

Tristan in a tree. 
 April 16

Colin batting for his TCU team
April 15

Beautiful sky at Tristan's baseball game. 
 April 14

My errand buds. 
April 13 

Not practical I suppose during school time but I love watching a game under the lights. 
April 12 

Happy Birthday Gramma 
April 11

April 10 

Liam let Mommy cut his hair tonight. Pretty good job I'd say.
April 9

Mr. Big man after his game.
April 8

A day later and still wearing the shades
April 7

  Declan and Grayson showing off their new shades.
April 6 

Bagels with Declan.
April 5

April 4

Liam and Colin dyeing eggs.
April 3

Colin playing under the lights 
April 2

Liam, Grayson and Declan playing under the bleachers at Colin's Blair game. 

Grayson smiling while sleeping with his batting glove on. 
April 1

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