Monday, August 22, 2016


Four baseball bags waiting their turn.

Tristan walking our two t-ball players to warm ups. 

Liam waiting for his new punch card during running club. He has ran/walked 20 miles during lunch recess already this season. 

Liam got to go get a special after school treat with Mommy today. 

Grayson and Mommy celebrating Cinco de Mayo.

Colin looking handsome after his hair trim. 

Declan enjoying an after game snack. 

Five little monkeys. 

Grayson loves corn on the cob.

Dinner date with my guy.  

Daddy and the littles off to a t-ball game. 

Declan proud to be getting another card during running club with Liam.

Grayson and his puppy. 

Enjoying a little sweet treat after baseball. 

Liam ready to score.

Declan's preschool graduation.

Tristan at 8th grade honors night. 

Last day of preschool.

Declan's first day/last day of preschool.

Grayson needed his picture taken too. 

Liam's last day of third grade. 

Liam's first day/last day of third grade. 

Big boys pre-game practice. 

Colin's post baseball crazy hair. 

They were able to sneak in a little basketball among all the baseball games. 

Declan is so excited this year to be a player and not just a fan. 

Grayson was so happy to have gotten so high in the tree. 

Such a big boy taking the dog out in the rain. 

Colin at bat playing as a sub for Tristan's team.

Happy 13th birthday Colin!

Sweaty boys hanging out by the car after some post game practice. 

Such a nice boy. Grandma Towey would be so proud of Declan helping at the cemetery. 

My little boy. 

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