Monday, January 16, 2017

November 2016

Looks like we missed a few days this month but the ones we have are great. 

Liam and Declan ready for crazy hair day at school. 

Liam dressed for "nerd" day. 

Grayson reading the paper as we wait at the car repair shop.

Colin number #45 did a great job playing basketball this year. 

When did these two get so big?

Waiting in the car before school as it is raining a lot today.

Declan and Daddy working on homework.

Grayson such a crazy all boy kind of boy. 

This kid has his own kind of style as he focuses on his shot.

Grayson working on homework. He was so excited to have homework. 

Crazy kid sleeping in a Halloween costume, on top of a bean bag on top of his bed. 

More basketball. It's so hard to get a good shot since he's always on the move. 

 Happy Birthday Riley. Congratulations Brendan and Laura

A fun game of twister. 

Grayson at his preschool feast. 

We enjoyed a Thanksgiving day lunch in Minneapolis.

 Grayson enjoying a turkey leg. 

So thankful for these five amazing boys. 

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