Saturday, January 14, 2017

September 2016

Grayson helping sorting/playing at the Jackson  house. 

Just the start of the thousands of golf balls we collected.  

I was so happy to have found my Hinky Dinky truck. Man I loved that truck. 

Tristan was amazing helping and finding a variety of treasures. 

My happy boy Grayson

Just me and my second born. Crazy hair day. 


Liam working hard on homework.  

Happy Birthday Declan!!! 

Trampoline fun with brothers and cousins for Declan's birthday.

Is it a dinosaur or a Colin.

Tristan getting a workout in while cleaning up. 

Checkups and flu shots!

Grandpa Schulz, Great Grandpa Schulz, Papa Schulz on the Farm. A wonderful man with many names. Sadly passed on this month. 

The staff at the nursing home laid a single rose on Grandpa's bed. 

Took a little time to take care of myself and got my hair done. 

Enjoying time with family at the farm. Aunt Joni, Tyler, Uncle Brian and me. 

Very happy Krista was able to be at Grandpa's funeral. She was a bit surprised at how tall they have gotten. 

After the service Colin got the chance to drive the dirt roads. 

Practicing the escalators as Aunt Krista was leaving. 

A little walk with my little H.  

Guess it may be time to get haircuts. He was a great sport letting me put a little pony tail in his hair. 

Liam running in a bubble.

Colin was excited to cut the 10 pounds of hamburger with a hacksaw.  

Me and this guy out and about. 

Liam hard at work on his math.

Daddy fixing my tire


A little puppy love

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